🗺️PugLife Roadmap

Phase 1: Community Building

Objective: Establish a strong foundational community for PugLife.

Phase 2: PugLife Game Development & Partnerships

Objective: Develop and test PugLife's core features.

Phase 3: PugLife Game Development, Stage 2 & Growing the Community

Objective: Roll out more PugLife Game features and expand the community.

Phase 4: Ecosystem Expansion

Objective: Grow the PugLife ecosystem and reward the community

Phase 5: Finish off the year with a BLAST

Objective: Grow the PugLife ecosystem and reward the community


Community Engagement and Feedback: Regularly interact with the community through social media, AMAs, and updates.

Continuous Development: Keep improving the platform based on user experience, technological advancements, and market trends.

Strategic Partnerships: Establish partnerships with influencers, gaming communities, and other blockchain projects to expand reach.

Disclaimer: This roadmap is designed to be adaptive and will evolve based on community feedback and market developments. Each phase focuses on strengthening the overall PugLife ecosystem, ensuring a robust and engaging experience for users.

Last updated